Multi-Media Card
(MMC)/SD Slot
The multi-media card (MMC)/SD slot on your
control head can be used with MMC/SD cards
(optional-purchase required) to add detailed
charts to your Chartplotter, update your
Chartplotter software, or export navigation data
from your Chartplotter.
To insert an MMC/SD card:
1. Remove the MMC/SD slot cover.
2. Position the MMC/SD card so that the label faces the right side of the
unit, and insert the card into the slot. Press down on the card until it
clicks into place.
3. Close the slot cover and turn the knob just 1/4 of a turn to close. Do
NOT overtighten, as this will not improve water resistance and may
damage the cover.
To remove an MMC/SD card:
1. Remove the MMC/SD slot cover.
2. Press the MMC/SD card into the slot and then release. The card will
eject from the slot.
AAddddiinngg MMaappss ttoo YYoouurr CChhaarrttppllootttteerr
Your 700 Series™ Chartplotter includes a built-in UniMap™. You can also purchase
MMC/SD cards with additional chart information for a particular location.
When you install the MMC/SD cards in your control head, your 700 Series™
Chartplotter will retrieve that chart and display it automatically (see Multi-Media
Card MMC/SD).
NOTE: The MMC/SD Cards require a separate purchase. For more information, visit
our web site at www.humminbird.com or contact our Customer Resource Center
at 1-800-633-1468.
Inserting an MMC/SD
into the Card Slot
Multi-Media Card (MMC)/SD Slot