UUsseerr MMooddee ((NNoorrmmaall oorr AAddvvaanncceedd))
Menu options can be simplified or expanded by setting your Chartplotter User
Mode to Normal or Advanced.
Normal Mode is the default setting when you first power on your 700 Series™
Chartplotter. Normal mode is provided for users who want greater simplicity and
fewer menu choices.
Advanced Mode is provided for users who want the highest level of control over
the Chartplotter. Several menu settings are added to the Main Menu when the User
Mode is changed to Advanced.
To change the User Mode setting:
1. Press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu.
2. Press the DOWN Cursor key to highlight User Mode on the Setup main
3. Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the User Mode setting.
(Normal, Advanced, Default = Normal)
NOTE: Any changes made while in Advanced Mode will remain in effect after you
switch back to Normal Mode.
For example, the Local Time Zone menu option is available when the User Mode is set
to Advanced. If you change the Local Time Zone settings while operating in Advanced
User mode, the settings you choose will continue to display on the screen even if you
switch back to Normal User Mode.
Main Menu