5. Application condition
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Chapter 5 Application condition
In “ Cond Set” [PF5], Press “ AppliCnd” [PF1].
Screen display
Operation method
Move the highlight bar on the item. For inserting numeric data, enter the numbers in
input frame. After entering the number, press[SET] key to apply.
In order to select item within < >, press [SHIFT]+[→ ][← ] to move the highlight bar
for selection.
※Press either [Esc] or "Cond Set"[PF5], "Condition setting Manu" is displayed.
1) Application condition data is stored in control constant file (ROBOT.C00).
2) It can be changed event though control constant file (ROBOT.C00) is in full protection.
14:39:38* A
lication Condition A:0 S:4
1: Conveyor Oper=<Normal,Simulat.,Test>
2: Search range =[0.0]
3: Search reference Pt. record=<Off,On>
4: Spot welding =<Wd-On,Sq-On,SqOff>
5: Gun search Ref.point record=<Off,On>
6: Output(DO) signal clear =<DSBL,ENBL>
7: Shift register clear =<DSBL,ENBL>
Cond Set