6. System setting
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It is possible for even number stage to rotate 0 , 90 and 180 on the basis
of the basic pattern.
It means 0 = 0 , 1 = 90 and 2 = 180 . Generally, The even number stage comparing
with the odd number is loaded rotating 180 .
Loading direction : It decides the loading direction to decide the working order in
loading the work object.
Handling tool : There are two cases which set this item.
㉠ The case that the position where picks up the work object is changed according
to the kind of handling tool.
㉡ The case that the position where picks up the work object is changed according
to the size variation of work object.
The robot should correspond to the position variation that picks up the work
User coordinate system : The user coordinate system can use only in case that the
"handling tool" is set to the "vacuum". The step that this user coordinate system
is applied is applied only in the step which the step condition is "PK".(The PK
means what picks up the work object(picking))
The register of user coordinate system
Step 1 : It defines the origin of user coordinate system.
Step 2 : It defines the step that defines the X axis of user coordinate system.
Step 3 : It is the step that defines the XY plane of user coordinate system
and it decides the direction of Y axis and Z axis.
Basis work object size : It sets the size of basis work object.
Palette dip angle : It compensates as the quantity as inclined considering the
Palette dip angle in piling up the work object. The compensating quantity is
reflected by being increased and decreased on the shift quantity. It inputs the
measured value after measuring the Palette dip angle.
Opening stage number : It inputs the stage number to shift the compensation of
variation quantity.
Variation quantity : It inputs the value divided the total variation quantity by the
applied stage number.
k : It reflects the weight of work object according to the extent of deflection value.
Letter-paper insertion basis : It sets the basis that inserts the letter-paper.