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3.4.1 Modify writing condition totally
You modify the condition in record of many steps in one program.
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Program No: It is used to modify the condition in record in step. First value is
present program number. Input the value when you need to modify it.
Start Step: It is the first step to modify the condition in record. First value
of Start Step is set by 1. Input the value when you need to modify it.
End Step: It is the last step to modify the condition in record. First value of
End Step is set by last step number of present program. Input the value when you
need to modify it.
Accuracy, Tool, GUN1, GUN2, MX, MX2: Select the First Step and End Step by your
14:39:38 ** Condition modif
** A:0 S:4
Program No. =[ 5]
Start step =[ 1] End step =[ 10]
Accuracy = < Const, 0, 1, 2, 3 >
Tool = < Const, 0, 1, 2, 3 >
GUN 1 = < Const, Off, On >
GUN 2 = < Const, Off, On >
MX = < Const, Off, On >
MX2 = < Const, Off, On >
Select and Enter number. Press
1 - 999