6. System setting
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6.1.3 Start type
Define starting method of robot system. Same as pressing “ R5: external start selection
(Enable/Disable) of R code
① Internal : Press start button in OP panel to start the robot
② External : Start the robot by receiving external digital signal . Refer to chapter
12 Signal Connection → 1. External start of Standard Input signal.
③ Remote : Start the robot by receiving command from Central control unit. This is
not supported in Hi4 controller
Operator is in the range of robot working range or within safety fence, in case of
setting external or remote start for start type, robot might automatically move
certainly even though stop lamp in control cabinet is displayed because external
or remote start signal can be activated at any time. For safety, start type of robot
shall be set as internal start.
6.1.4 Change of cursor position in Auto mode
Decide cursor to be moved for step or function with Enable or Disable setting in Auto
mode. For safety, manufacturer recommend disable setting.
① Disable : Disable cursor movement for Step or Function in Auto mode
② Enable : Enable cursor movement for Step or Function in Auto mode
As setting cursor position change <Disable>, the following message is displayed when
up/down cursor key is pressed in Auto Mode.
Inhibit cursor ste
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