continue with these procedures until a R/W link is established to the 51D
What's Next?
Beginning with VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4.0, Tivoli ADSM for VM 3.1.2 is pre-installed, using
VMSES/E, in a DISABLED state, on the VM/ESA System DDRs. If, and only if, you have a
license for Tivoli ADSM for VM 3.1.2, you can enable it for use. If you are
running on VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4.0
optionally installed Tivoli ADSM for VM from the VM/ESA System DDRs, and
are licensed for Tivoli ADSM for VM
then continue with step 4.
Otherwise, continue with step 6 on page 16.
VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4.0 Licensed Users of Tivoli ADSM for VM only!
4 Set Tivoli ADSM for VM to the enabled state.
vmfins enable ppf 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS} Use ADSM if installing using minidisk or
ADSMSFS if installing using Shared File System
This command will perform the following:
Set Tivoli ADSM for VM as ENABLED in
VMSES/E and within CP.
Create a 5654A09A PRODSYS file on the
A-disk that contains the CP system
configuration PRODUCT statement with a state
5 In order to retain the ENABLED state for Tivoli ADSM for VM, update the
CP system configuration file with the information in the 5654A09A
The 5654A09A PRODSYS file was created by VMFINS in the previous step.
You need to update the CP system config file so that the next time you IPL
your system Tivoli ADSM for VM will be in the ENABLED state. If you are
not authorized to update the CP system configuration file then contact your
CP System Administrator.
The CP system configuration file default name is SYSTEM CONFIG and it
resides on the CP parm disk (MAINT's CF1 and CF2 minidisks). The section,
Installation Instructions 15