vdev is the minidisk you are copying files from.
If you are copying from SFS then substitute in
the SFS directory name in place of vdev.
dirid is the name of the (target) SFS directory
that you are copying files to.
5654A09A%ADSM is the PRODID defined
within the 5654A09A PPF file for the Tivoli
ADSM for VM minidisk and SFS components.
The VMFCOPY command will update the VMSES
PARTCAT file on the target directory.
C.3 Create Product Parameter File (PPF) Override
This section provides information to help you create a product parameter file (PPF) override. The example
used in this section is how to change the shared file system (SFS) file pool where Tivoli ADSM for VM
files reside. Refer to the VMSES/E Introduction and Reference for more information on PPF overrides.
Note: Do not modify the product supplied 5654A09A $PPF or 5654A09A PPF files to change the
VMSYS file pool name or any other installation parameters. If the 5654A09A $PPF file is serviced, the
existing $PPF file will be replaced, and any changes to that file will be lost. By creating your own $PPF
override, your updates will be preserved.
The following process describes changing the default file pool name, VMSYS to MYPOOL1:
1 Create a new $PPF override file or edit an existing override file.
xedit overname $PPF fm2 overname is the PPF override file name (such as
"myadsm") that you want to use.
fm is an appropriate file mode. If you create this
file yourself, specify a file mode of A.
If you modify an existing override file, specify a file
mode of A or D, based on where the file currently
resides (A being the file mode of a R/W 191
minidisk, or equivalent; D, that of the MAINT 51D
48 Tivoli ADSM for VM Program Directory