Use ADSM for installing on minidisks or ADSMSFS
for installing in Shared File System directories.
This command produces an output file that
contains information about the service on the RSU
compared against the service and local
modifications on your system. The file name is
appid PSUPLAN, where appid is specified in the
PPF file.
A.1.2 Receive the Preapplied, Prebuilt Service
1 Refresh the Tivoli ADSM for VM service disks by loading new service from
the RSU Tape
a If receiving the RSU from tape
vmfins install ppf 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS} (nomemo nolink override no
Use component name ADSM if the product is
installed on minidisks or ADSMSFS if the product
is installed in SFS.
b If receiving the RSU from an envelope file
vmfins install ppf 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS} (nomemo nolink env rptfnum override no
Use component name ADSM if the product is
installed on minidisks or ADSMSFS if the product
is installed in SFS.
Appendix A. Applying an RSU Tape for Tivoli ADSM for VM 39