Appendix A. Applying an RSU Tape for Tivoli ADSM for VM
You should first read through the RSU hard copy memo contained with the tape before continuing with
these instructions.
The RSU Tape is structured to install all PTFs included on the tape plus the tape files containing the
preapplied service and prebuilt objects. All PTF-related files are loaded to the DELTA disk. The tape file
containing the preapplied service, i.e. containing the results of VMFAPPLY, is loaded to the alternate
APPLY disk and the contents of the tape files containing prebuilt objects are loaded to the appropriate
build disks.
Points to consider about using the Product Service Upgrade procedure are:
This process will not alter any of your tailored flat files (files serviced full part replacement only) in any
Planning must be done (such as determining disk sizes, and determining what service, if any, on your
existing system is not contained on the RSU Tape) prior to actually loading the service from the RSU
Tape. These tasks will be discussed.
The following outline is an overview of what tasks need to be performed during the Preventive Service
procedure (PSU) using the RSU tape:
Prepare System
In this task, you will receive the documentation contained on the RSU Tape and determine the DASD
required to install the RSU Tape.
Merge Service
Use the VMFMRDSK command to clear the alternate APPLY disk before receiving the RSU Tape.
This allows you to easily remove the new service if a serious problem is found.
Receive Service
The VMFINS command receives service from the RSU Tape and places it on the DELTA disk.
Apply Additional Service
The VMFAPPLY command updates the version vector table (VVT), which identifies the service level of
all the serviced parts. In addition, AUX files are generated from the VVT for parts that require them.
These steps are used to reapply service that was not contained on the RSU tape that was already
installed for Tivoli ADSM for VM.
Reapplying Local Modifications (if applicable)
All local modifications must be entered into the software inventory to allow VMSES/E to track the
changes and build them into the system.
36 Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1999