
Fxx Code Boot Problems
Depending on the boot device, a checkpoint may be displayed on the operator panel
for an extended period of time while the boot image is retrieved from the device.
This is particularly true for Tape and Network boot attempts. If the checkpoint/code is
displayed for an extended time there may be a problem loading the boot image from
the device. If booting from CDROM or Tape, watch for “activity” on the drive's LED
indicator. A blinking LED means that the loading of either the boot image or
additional information required by the operating system being booted is still in
For network boot attempts, if the system is not connected to an active network or if
the target server is inaccessible (this can also result from incorrect IP parameters
being supplied), the system still attempts to boot and because time-out durations are
necessarily long to accommodate retries, the system may appear to be hung.
1. Restart the system and get to the Firmware SMS utilities. In the utilities check:
Is the intended boot device correctly specified in the boot sequence?
Table 3-4 (Page 5 of 5). Firmware Checkpoints.
Checkpoint Description Action/
Possible Failing FRU
FFB SCSI bus initialization 1. Verify proper SCSI bus
2. Verify that there are no ID
conflicts among SCSI devices.
3. Verifiy that the system board
SCSI security jumpers are set
properly, if external devices are
attached to the system board
SCSI bus.
4. Suspect the SCSI cable.
5. Suspect the drives.
6. Suspect the system board.
FFD The operator panel alternates
between the code FFD and another
Fxx code, where Fxx is the point at
which the error occurred.
If the Fxx is not listed in this table,
go to “MAP 1540: Minimum
Configuration” on page 2-21.
Not listed here Go to “MAP 1540: Minimum
Configuration” on page 2-21.
3-18 7043 43P Series Service Guide