
Table 4-3 (Page 9 of 13). Firmware Checkpoints
Description Repair Action
E1DC Dynamic console
If a console is attached but nothing is displayed on it,
follow the steps associated with “All display problems”
in the Entry MAP tables.
If selection screen(s) can be seen on the terminals and
the appropriate key on the input device associated with
the desired display or terminal is pressed, within
approximately 60 seconds, but there is no response to
the keystrokes:
1. If selecting the console with a keyboard attached
to the system, replace the keyboard. If replacing
the keyboard does not fix the problem, replace the
System Planar.
2. If selecting the console with an ASCII terminal,
suspect the ASCII terminal. Use the Problem
Determination Procedures for the terminal.
Replace the System Planar if these procedures do
not reveal a problem.
Note: Terminal settings should be set to:
9600 Baud
No Parity
8 Data bits
1 Stop bit
E1DD Early processor
1. Replace System Planar
See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
E1DE An alternating
pattern of E1DE and
E1AD is used to
indicate a "Default
Catch" condition
before the Open
"checkpoint" word
(function) is
1. Replace System Planar
See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
E1DF Create diskette drive
(disk) node
See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
E1E0 Program flash See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
E1E1 Flash update
See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
E1E2 Initialize System I/O See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
E1E3 PReP boot image
See “Unresolved problems” on page 4-26
Chapter 4. Error Code to FRU Index for the Model 150 4-21