Chapter 4. Error Code to FRU Index for the Model 150
Note: This chapter contains error code and checkpoint information for the Model
150 only. For information on the Model 140 and Model 240, refer to
Chapter 3, “Error Code to FRU Index for the Model 140 and Model 240” on
page 3-1.
If you replace FRUs and the problem is still unresolved, go to “MAP 1540: Minimum
Configuration” on page 2-21, unless otherwise indicated in the tables. If you replace
FRUs and the problem has been resolved, go to "MAP 0410: Repair Checkout" in
Diagnostics Information for Multiple Bus Systems
, unless otherwise indicated in
the tables.
Error Codes
The error codes listed in Table 4-1, in most cases, identifies the failing device/FRU.
Refer to Appendix A, “Interpreting Firmware Error Codes” on page A-1 for
information on interpreting 8-digit error codes. A physical location code may be
displayed with the error code. If so, use the physical location code to identify the
suspected FRU.
Table 4-1 (Page 1 of 11). Firmware Error Codes
Error Code Function /
Repair Action/Possible Failing FRU
Remote Initial program load (RIPL) errors
20A80000 Insufficient
information to boot
Verify the IP address
20A80001 Client IP address is
already in use by
another network
Change IP address
20A80002 Cannot get gateway
IP address
Refer to Firmware Checkpoints using code E174
20A80003 Cannot get server
hardware address
Refer to Firmware Checkpoint using code E174
20A80004 Bootp failed Refer to Firmware Checkpoint using code E175
20A80005 File transmission
(TFTP) failed
Check network connection, try again.
20A80006 Boot Image Too
Contact your service representative for assistance.
Unknown/Unrecognized device
Chapter 4. Error Code to FRU Index for the Model 150 4-1