Symptom Action
The system stops and a 4-digit number
beginning with the characters "FF" is displayed
in the operator panel display.
Go to “MAP 1540: Minimum Configuration” on
page 2-21.
The system stops and a 4digit number
beginning with the character "E" is displayed in
the operator panel display.
Record the code. Go to “Firmware Checkpoints”
on page 4-13.
The system stops and a 4digit number not
beginning with neither the characters "FF" or "E"
is displayed in the operator panel display.
Record SRN 101xxx, where xxx is the last three
digits of the fourdigit number displayed, then go
to the "Fast Path MAP" in the
Information for Multiple Bus Systems
Note: If the operator panel displays 2 sets of
numbers, use the bottom set of numbers
as the error code.
The system stops and a 3-digit number is
displayed in the operator panel display.
If the number displayed begins with the
character "F" then go to “Firmware Checkpoints”
on page 3-14.
If the number is 000, 185, or 888, go to “MAP
1540: Minimum Configuration” on page 2-21.
Record SRN 101-xxx, where xxx is the 3-digit
number displayed in the operator panel display,
then go to the "Fast Path MAP" in the
Diagnostics Information for Multiple Bus
The System Management Services application
appears on the screen.
Go to sub-step 3 on page 2-11 in “Step 1020-4”
on page 2-11.
All other symptoms. If you were directed here from the Entry MAP,
go to “MAP 1540: Minimum Configuration” on
page 2-21. Otherwise, find the symptom in the
“Entry MAP” on page 2-1.
Chapter 2. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 2-9