Chapter 6. Pre-migration steps 103
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
updateDB2Configuration <database_name> [<logfile>]
Where <database_name> is the name of the database to change configuration
values for and <logfile> is an optional parameter, naming the file to use for
logging the progress of the script.
In our example we called the as follows:
cd \WebSphere\WCToolkitPro56\bin
updateDB2Configuration mall c:\logs\updatedb2configuration.log
Once the script has executed, check the logs to ensure no errors has occurred.
The script runs a series of SQL commands, so any SQL command failing is an
indication of an error.
The script will update the database configuration values with the minimum
recommended as shown in Table 6-4. Base on your database characteristics,
your DBA should review and modify these values accordingly in the script before
executing the script.
Table 6-4 DB2 configuration set by the updateDBConfiguration script
Important: The script must be called from a DB2 Command Window. If the
script is run from a regular Windows command prompt window, the following
output will be shown 11 times in the console, or log file if specified:
DB21061E Command line environment not initialized.
Parameter Value
applheapsz 1000
stmtheap 60000
app_ctl_heap_sz 8192
locklist 2400
indexrec RESTART
logfilsize 1000
logprimary 12
logsecond 10
pckcachesz 4096
catalogcache_sz 4096