
6320ch_application_used.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
58 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
Expected delivery dates have also been implemented for the shipping providers.
Custom code was written to calculate the number of expected days that it will
take to receive the order. The factors for calculating expected delivery dates are
based on the shipping policies of Carrot Ink and each shipping provider. These
include exclusion of holidays, non-working days such as Saturday and Sunday,
and shipping cut-off times.
Payment Processing
Payment Manger was not implemented in the original the application. The default
controller command used for Payment Manager was overridden to implement
custom payment processing. The application implements an authorization
company for credit card verification. Once the credit card has been verified the
order is processed and manually authorized. However, for the purpose of this
book, the migration will include the implementation of Payment Manager for order
Offline Orders
Offline orders have also been implemented. At the checkout page, customers
have the option of placing the order offline. The customer is given a form to
complete which becomes a mail order. Once the customer service department
receives the mail order, the order is processed. No order is created in
WebSphere Commerce for offline orders so no custom controller commands
were written to handle the offline order process. A simple view command was
created to display the offline form once the offline order has been submitted.
Billing/Shipping Selection
Another simple modification was to change the order of the select billing address
and select shipping address pages. After leaving the shopping cart, the customer
is directed to the select shipping address page, followed by the select billing
address page.
The application model flow was based upon the InFashion sar file. Figure 4-1
illustrates the default shopping flow as packaged with the InFashion store.