Appendix A. Managing WebSphere Commerce components 249
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ax04.fm
1. Double-click the Full WebSphere Test Environment server in the Servers
panel of the Debug or J2EE perspectives.
2. Expand the Tracing section on the Server tab.
3. Ensure that Enable trace is checked and enter the WebSphere Application
Server trace string.
Create missing password scripts
The WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit lacks support for generation of
passwords for WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments.
Follow the instructions in this section to add this support to WebSphere
Commerce V5.6 Toolkit.
Create wcs_password script
The WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit does not ship with a script to generate
encrypted user passwords for WebSphere Commerce. Create a file called
wcs_password.bat in the <wctoolkit_home>\bin directory. Example A-3 shows
the contents of the file.
Example: A-3 wcs_password.bat script for WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit
@echo off
cd %~p0
rem Pick up the WebSphere Commerce environment variables
call setenv.bat
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CP% com.ibm.commerce.util.WCSPassword %1 %2 %3
Create wcs_pmpassword script
The WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit does not ship with a script to generate
encrypted passwords for WebSphere Commerce Payments. Create a file called
wcs_pmpassword.bat in the <wctoolkit_home>\bin directory. Example A-4
shows the contents of the file.