6320ch_DEV_post_migration.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
152 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
public abstract java.util.Enumeration findGreaterThan(Integer value)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException;
The FinderHelper interface has been replaced in WebSphere Studio Application
Developer V5.1.1 with the use of the file ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi, located in the
folder ejbModule/META-INF in the WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
However, with WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.1, you will not
have to edit this file manually. To modify the finders for an entity bean, follow this
1. Switch to the Assembly Descriptor tab of the EJB Deployment Descriptor.
(see , “Add the WCSecurity role” on page 148 for details).
2. Select the entity bean in the list on the left that you wish to view or modify the
finders for.
3. Scroll down to the WebSphere Extensions section.
4. The list box under the Finders headline contains the list of custom finders,
defined for the selected EJB.
Regenerating the deploy code
As you have made changes to your EJBs and the deployment descriptor, you
must regenerate the deploy code:
1. Switch to the J2EE Hierarchy in the J2EE Perspective.
2. Expand EJB Modules and right-click
WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData: MyCustomEJBs.
3. Select Generate -> Deployment and RMIC Code...
4. Ensure that the EJBs that you need to generate deployment code for are
selected. Click Select all if you need to generate for all custom EJBs. Click
8.2.7 J2EE Connector Architecture
WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 used the Common Connector Framework,
whereas WebSphere Commerce V5.6 uses the J2EE Connector Architecture.
Note: Other methods for generating finder methods were available, but the
one described here was the recommended method.
Note: All entity beans will have the finder findByPrimaryKey. This finder is
not shown in this list.