PCI Power Management Registers — Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 211
PCIe* Extended Configuration Space is allocated using a linked list of optional or required PCIe*
extended capabilities following a format resembling PCI capability structures. The first PCIe* extended
capability is located at offset 100h in the device configuration space. The first Dword of the capability
structure identifies the capability and version and points to the next capability.
The 82575 supports Advanced Error Reporting Capability at offset 100h and Serial Number at offset
140h of the PCIe* extended capabilities. Advanced Error Reporting Capability
The PCIe* advanced error reporting capability is an optional extended capability to support advanced
error reporting. This is supported by the 82575. Details and definitions of the extended capabilities
structures and advanced error reporting capabilities are documented in the PCIe* Specification. Device Serial Number
The 82575 implements the PCIe* Device Serial Number optional capability. The Device Serial Number is
a read only 64-bit value that is unique for a given PCIe* device.
Both functions return the same Device Serial Number value.
Device Serial Number Enhanced Capability Header (Offset 140h)
The following tables detail allocation of register fields as well as their respective bit definitions in the
Device Serial Number enhanced capability header. The Extended Capability ID for the Device Serial
Number capability is 0003h.
Table 73. PCIe* Device Serial Number Capability Structure
Offset 140h PCIe* Enhanced Capability Header
Offset 144h Serial Number Register (Lower Dword)
Offset 148h Serial Number Register (Upper Dword)
Table 74. Device Serial Number Enhanced Capability Header
Bits 31:20 Next Capability Offset
Bits 19:16 Capability Version
Bits 15:0 PCIe* Extended Capability ID
Table 75. Device Serial Number Enhanced Capability Header
Bit(s) Attributes Description
31:20 RO Next Capability Offset
This field contains the offset to the next PCIe* capability structure or 000h if no other items exist in the
linked list of capabilities.
For extended capabilities implemented in device configuration space, this offset is relative to the
beginning of the PCI compatible configuration space and must always equal either 000h (to terminate
the list of capabilities) or be greater than 0FFh.
19:16 RO Capability Version
This field is a PCI SIG defined version number that indicates the version of the capability structure
present. It must equal 1h for this version of the specification.
15:0 RO PCIe* Extended Capability ID
This field is a PCI SIG defined identification number indicating indicates the nature and format of the
extended capability. The Extended Capability ID for the Device Serial Number Capability is 0003h.