82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Hardware Accessed Words
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
70 January 2011
Table 19. LED Mode Device Revision ID (Word 1Eh) LED 0, 2 Configuration Defaults (Word 1Fh)
This EEPROM word specifies the hardware defaults for the LEDCTL register fields controlling the LED0
Mode Selected Mode Source Indication
0000b LINK_10/1000 Asserted when either 10 or 1000 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
0001b LINK_100/1000 Asserted when either 100 or 1000 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
0010b LINK_UP Asserted when any speed link is established and maintained.
0011b FILTER_ACTIVITY Asserted when link is established and packets are being transmitted or received that
passed MAC filtering.
0100b LINK/ACTIVITY Asserted when link is established and when there is no transmit or receive activity.
0101b LINK_10 Asserted when a 10 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
0110b LINK_100 Asserted when a 100 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
0111b LINK_1000 Asserted when a 1000 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
1000b SDP_MODE LED activation is a reflection of the SDP signal. SDP0, SDP1, SDP2, SDP3 are reflected
to LED0, LED1, LED2, LED3 respectively.
1001b FULL_DUPLEX Asserted when the link is configured for full duplex operation (de-asserted in half-
1010b COLLISION Asserted when a collision is observed.
1011b ACTIVITY Asserted when link is established and packets are being transmitted or received.
1100b BUS_SIZE Asserted when the 82575 detects a 1-lane PCIe* connection.
1101b PAUSED Asserted when the 82575’s transmitter is flow controlled.
1110b LED_ON Always high (Asserted)
1111b LED_OFF Always low (De-asserted)
Table 20. Device Revision ID (Word 1Eh)
Bit(s) Name Default Description
0b When set, enables the 82575 to enter power down.
0b = Disable.
1b = Enable.
14 Reserved 1b Reserved.
13 Reserved 0b Reserved.
12 LAN 1
0b When set, LAN 1 class code is set to 010000h (SCSI)
When reset, LAN 1 class code is set to 020000h (LAN)
11 LAN 0
0b When set, LAN 0 class code is set to 010000h (SCSI)
When reset, LAN 0 class code is set to 020000h (LAN)
10:8 Reserved 0h Reserved.
7:0 Device
Revision ID
00h Device Revision ID.