
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Multiple Receive Queues Command Register - MRQC
(05818h; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
382 January 2011
14.5.5 Multiple Receive Queues Command Register -
MRQC (05818h; R/W)
1. MRQC_EN is used for enable/disable RSS hashing and also for enabling multiple receive queues. Disabling this feature is not
recommended. Model usage is to reset the 82575 after disabling the RSS.
2. Packet would be tagged as IPv6 if it is without any of the Home-Address-Option field and Routing-Header-Type-2 field. As a
result, if a packet is tagged with IPv6 (type 5) in this case, the device driver would have to convert it to IPv6Ex (type 4).
Field Bit(s)
MRQE 2:0 00h Multiple Receive Queues Enable
Enables support for Multiple Receive Queues and defines the mechanism that controls
queue allocation. Note that the RXCSUM.PCSD bit must also be set to enable Multiple
Receive Queues.
000b = Multiple Receive Queues are disabled.
001b = Reserved.
010b = Multiple receive queues as defined by RSS for four queues.
011b = Multiple receive queues as defined by VMDq based on packet destination MAC
100b = Multiple receive queues as defined by VMDq based on packet VLAN tag ID.
101b = Multiple receive queues as defined by VMDq based on packet destination MAC
address and RSS.
110b = Multiple receive queues as defined by VMDq based on packet VLAN tag ID and
111b = Reserved.
In SKUs not supporting VT, The only functional values for this field are 000b and 010b.
Writing any other value is treated as if a value of zero was written. A value other than
zero might cause unexpected results.
Note: When RSS is enabled (MRQC.MRQE equals 010b, 101b or 110b), TCP Rx
checksum must also be enabled (RXCSUM.TUOFL = 1b).
RSS Interrupt
2 0h RSS Interrupt Enable
When set, this bit enables interrupt control by the RSS Interrupt Mask register. When
cleared, a receive packet generates an interrupt indication independent of the RSS
Interrupt registers.
Reserved 15:3 0h Reserved.
RSS Field
31:16 0h Each bit, when set, enables a specific field selection to be used by the hash function.
Several bits can be set at the same time.
Bit[16] = Enable TcpIPv4 hash function
Bit[17] = Enable IPv4 hash function
Bit[18] = Enable TcpIPv6Ex hash function
Bit[19] = Enable IPv6Ex hash function
Bit[20] = Enable IPv6 hash function
Bit[21] = Enable TCPIPv6 has function
Bit[22] = Enable UDPIPv4
Bit[23] = Enable UDPIPv6
Bit[24] = Enable UDPIPv6Ext
Bits[31:25] = Reserved; set to 0b.