82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — DCA Control - DCA_CTRL (05B74h; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
416 January 2011
14.8.25 DCA Control - DCA_CTRL (05B74h; R/W)
Note: The DCA tag disabled value in data movement engine 2 mode in the 82575 A0 is 11111b.
14.9 Statistics Registers
All Statistics registers reset when read. In addition, they stick at FFFF_FFFFh when the maximum value
is reached.
For the receive statistics it should be noted that a packet is indicated as received if it passes the
82575's filters and is placed into the packet buffer memory. A packet does not have to be transferred to
host memory in order to be counted as received.
Due to divergent paths between interrupt-generation and logging of relevant statistics counts, it might
be possible to generate an interrupt to the system for a noteworthy event prior to the associated
statistics count actually being incremented. This is extremely unlikely due to expected delays
associated with the system interrupt-collection and ISR delay, but might be observed as an interrupt for
which statistics values do not quite make sense. Hardware guarantees that any event noteworthy of
inclusion in a statistics count is reflected in the appropriate count within 1 s; a small time-delay prior
to a read of statistics might be necessary to avoid the potential for receiving an interrupt and observing
an inconsistent statistics count as part of the ISR.
14.9.1 CRC Error Count - CRCERRS (04000h; RC)
Counts the number of receive packets with CRC errors. In order for a packet to be counted in this
register, it must pass address filtering and must be 64 bytes or greater (from <Destination Address>
through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. If receives are not enabled, then this register does not
Note: This counter also includes the alignment errors counted by the ALGNERRC register.
Field Bit(s)
DCA_DIS 0 1b DCA Disable
0b = DCA tagging is enabled for this port.
1b = DCA tagging is disabled for this port.
DCA_MODE 4:1 0h DCA Mode
000b = Data movement engine 1 is supported. The TAG field in the TLP header is based
on the following coding: bit 0 is DCA enable; bits 3:1 are CPU ID).
001b = Data movement engine 2 is supported. When DCA is disabled for a given
message, the TAG field is 0000,0000b. If DCA is enabled, the TAG is set per queue as
programmed in the relevant DCA Control register.
All other values are undefined.
Reserved 31:5 0h Reserved
Field Bit(s)
CEC 31:0 0b CRC error count