
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Technical Product Specification October 2006
12 Order Number: 304120
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Document Organization
This document provides technical specifications related to the Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer (SBC). The MPCBL0010 SBC is designed following
the standards of the Advanced Telecommunications Compute Architecture
(AdvancedTCA*) Design Guide for high availability, switched network computing. This
document is intended for support during system product development and while
sustaining a product. It specifies the architecture, design requirements, external
requirements, board functionality, and design limitations of the MPCBL0010 Single
Board Computer (SBC).
The focus of each section in this document can be summarized as follows:
Chapter 1.0, “Introduction” gives an overview of the information contained in this
document as well as a glossary of acronyms and important terms.
Chapter 2.0, “Feature Overview” introduces the key features of the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 3.0, “Operating the Unit” provides basic instructions for configuring and
upgrading the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 4.0, “Specifications” contains the mechanical, environmental, and reliability
specifications for the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 5.0, “Connectors and LEDs” includes an illustration of LEDs, connector
locations, connector descriptions, and pinout tables.
Chapter 6.0, “BIOS Features” provides an introduction to the Intel/AMI BIOS, and the
System Management BIOS, stored in flash memory on the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 7.0, “BIOS Setup” describes the interactive menu system of the BIOS setup
Chapter 8.0, “Error Messages” lists BIOS error messages, Port 80h POST codes, and
provides a brief description of each.
Chapter 9.0, “Addressing” lists the PCI devices and the buses on which they reside, as
well as FPGA registers.
Chapter 10.0, “Hardware Management Overview” provides a detailed overview of the
IPMI implementation based on PICMG* 3.0 and IPMI v1.5 specifications in the
Chapter 11.0, “Serial Over LAN (SOL)”provides detailed information about Serial over
LAN (SOL), including architecture, theory of operations, use cases, configuration, and
Chapter 12.0, “Telecom Clock” describes the operations of the telecom clock, its
various interfaces, and the API used by the telecom clock module.