
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
October 2006 Technical Product Specification
Order Number: 304120 163
Telecom Clock—MPCBL0010 SBC
2.048 MHz
2.048 MHz
4.096 MHz
6.312 MHz
8.192 MHz,
8.592 MHz
11.184 MHz
19.44 MHz
34.368 MHz
44.735 MHz.
Note: Only one frequency per AdvancedMC module can be selected.
12.3.3 Recovered Clock Selection
Each AdvancedMC module has one clock output. This clock can be forwarded to CLK3A
and/or CLK3B on the AdvancedTCA backplane without changing the frequency. The
output level converters convert from LVTTL to M-LVDS. The M-LVDS buffers can be tri-
stated by the telecom clock module using its I
C interface.
12.3.4 Configuration
The clock outputs are disabled by default. The following basic and operational
configurations are necessary: Operational Configuration
For the operational configuration, the following parameters must be defined:
Frequency of the redundant reference clock (CLK1=8 kHz or CLK2=19.44 MHz)
Which AdvancedMC modules are installed and which frequency of the reference
clock for the transmission is required
Which AdvancedMC clock is used as a source of the system reference clock, and to
which clock bus it has to be connected
Operating mode of the PLL (normal, holdover, or free-run)
Switchover by PLL unlock enabled
Switchover by PLL holdover enabled
12.3.5 Alarm Handling
The following alarms are available:
Primary redundant clock lost (PRI_LOS)
Secondary redundant clock lost (SEC_LOS)
PLL is in the holdover mode (HOLDOVER)
PLL is in unlock (UNLOCK)
A change of status to any of the alarms will cause an interrupt. The interrupt is
deactivated when the status register is read.