
MPCBL0010 SBC—Feature Overview
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Technical Product Specification October 2006
22 Order Number: 304120
Current values here indicate the maximum that can be delivered by design and do not
reflect the current actually provided on the MPCBL0010 SBC. Additionally, each
converter has design margin. The maximum current that can be drawn by the SBC in
operation is 200 Watts, conforming with the AdvancedTCA 3.0 specification. Processor Voltage Regulator Module (VRM)
The Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) provides core power to the Low Voltage Xeon
processor. The input to the VRM is connected to the +12 V power rail.
The VRM controller is designed to support the processor core voltages selected by the
voltage identification (VID) pins on the processor. The VRM is disabled until all other
voltage converters indicate “power good.” The voltage regulator module is designed to
support one Low Voltage Xeon at up to 60 A of current. IPMC Subsystem Standby Power
The IPMC subsystem standby power is 3.3 V suspend, as described in Section Other On-board Supplies
The 2.5 V power rail is derived from the 3.3 V rail using a standard buck converter. This
rail is limited to 3 A of current. Vtt for the CPU is derived from the 1.5 V rail using a
linear regulator. Other Suspend Power
The 5 V suspend is derived from the 12 V suspend using a linear regulator at < 1 A.
The 1.8 VSB and 1.5 VSB are derived from the 3.3 V suspend using linear regulators all
at < 1 A.
2.2.8 IPMC
The MPCBL0010 SBC uses the Renesas* H8S/2168 for the Intelligent Platform
Management Controller (IPMC). The IPMC provides a management subsystem for
monitoring, event logging, and recovery control. The IPMC serves as the gateway for
management applications to access the platform hardware. Some of the key features
Compliant with PICMG 3.0 and IPMI v1.5 rev 1.1
Automatic rollback capability if an upgrade fails
Upgradeable from the IPMI KCS interface
Support for AdvancedMC via IPMB-L
Supports initiation of a graceful shutdown on the host CPU and ShMC notification
insertion and removal.
2.2.9 Telecom Clock
The MPCBL0010 SBC supports a telecom clock synchronization circuit. This circuit uses
the Zarlink* ZL30410 Multi-Service Line Card PLL and a PLD that act as a clock
multiplexer on inputs and outputs. The clock can be synchronized to any of the
AdvancedTCA backplane clocks, CLK1A/B and CLK2A/B. Any of the output clocks can be
routed to the AdvancedMC CLKA and CLKB signals.