
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
October 2006 Technical Product Specification
Order Number: 304120 155
Serial Over LAN (SOL)—MPCBL0010 SBC
To configure IP on RedHat RHEL:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethN sbcutils RPM Installation
1. Install the sbcutils RPM. For complete details on the sbcutils installation, refer to
the sbcutilities RPM install procedure on the MPCBL0010 SBC product page
a. Copy the RPM to the target blade. Ensure that the RPM copied is for the
particular OS installed on the target blade.
b. Check the version of sbcutils installed:
rpm -q sbcutils
c. If a previous version of the sbcutils RPM is installed, remove it by using this
rpm -e sbcutils
d. install a new version of sbcutils
For MontaVista* 3.1
rpm -ivh sbcutils-1.3.0-3.i386-mv31.rpm
For MontaVista* 4.0
rpm -ivh sbcutils-1.3.0-3.i386-mv40.rpm
For Wind River* PNE 1.2
rpm -ivh sbcutils-1.3.0-3.i386-wr12.rpm
For RedHat* RHEL U3
rpm -ivh sbcutils-1.3.0-3.i386-rhel4.rpm Execute the reference_cfg Script
1. For RedHat* RHEL only: Before using the reference_cfg script, start the IPMI
In MontaVista, the IPMI drivers start automatically.
Start the IPMI drivers by issuing the following commands:
# /etc/init.d/ipmi start (This will start IPMI drivers for this particular session
# chkconfig ipmi on (Tthis will start IPMI drivers by default on the next reboot.)
The following note applies to the commands in step 2 below.
Note: When the SOL client and SOL target are behind the same gateway, the "<Gateway MAC
Addr>" and "<Gateway IP Addr>" parameters can be omitted.
The "-l <SOL Target IPMB Addr>" parameter needs to be entered as "-l 0xNN" where
NN is the IPMB address of the target blade. The IPMB address will depend upon the
location of the target blade in the chassis. Refer to Table 125 for the IPMB address for
each physical slot in the MPCHC0001 chassis. Other chassis may have different IPMB
2. Choose one of the three interfaces below to execute the reference_cfg script. It
does not matter which interface is chosen. The reference_cfg script can be
executed through any of these interfaces.
a. Script executed on the local SOL target blade payload
Communication will be from the host processor to the local IPMC through the
KCS interface