Engine Operation - Except 4.5L “270” Engines
OURGP11,0000079 –19–27JUL06–3/3
RG13289 –UN–30OCT03
Changing Engine Speed With Basic Panel
E—High-Low Speed Select Rocker Switch
Changing engine speeds on later engines equipped
with the Basic Instrument Panel
The basic instrument panel has a “ramp” throttle switch
(E) with a spring loaded return to the center rest position
To increase the engine speed, press and hold upper half
of rocker switch (E) (indicated by rabbit symbol) to
increase or ramp up the engine speed to desired speed.
Release the rocker switch.
Press lower half of rocker switch (indicated by turtle
symbol) to decrease or ramp down the engine speed to
desired speed. Release the rocker switch.
The settings will not be stored.