OUOD002,000016B –19–27JUL06–1/1
Precautions For Welding On Engines
Equipped With Electronic Engine Control
Unit (ECU)
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS disconnect Electronic Control
Unit (ECU) connectors and engine
control system-to-machine ground
before welding on engine or machine.
High currents or electro-static
discharge in electronic components
from welding may cause permanent
1. Remove the ground connection for the engine control
system-to-machine frame.
2. Disconnect the connectors from the ECU.
3. Connect the welder ground close to the welding point
and be sure ECU or other electronic components are not
in the ground path.
OURGP11,000012A –19–27JUL06–1/1
Precautions for Electrical System When
Steam Cleaning Engine
IMPORTANT: Do not steam clean any electrical or
electronic components while steam
cleaning the engine as it could damage
sensitive parts.