Engine Operation- 4.5 L “270” Engines
OURGP11,000007C –19–27JUL06–1/1
Warming Engine
RG6574 –UN–17FEB03
Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature Gauges (Earlier Engines)
RG13361 –UN–06FEB04
Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature Gauges (Later Engines)
A—Oil Pressure Gauge
B—Coolant Temperature Gauge
IMPORTANT: To assure proper lubrication, operate
engine at or below 1200 rpm with no
load for 1–2 minutes. Extend this period
2–4 minutes when operating at
temperatures below freezing.
Engines used in generator set
applications where the governor is
locked at a specified speed may not
have a slow idle function. Operate these
engines at high idle for 1 to 2 minutes
before applying the load. This
procedure does not apply to standby
generator sets where the engine is
loaded immediately upon reaching rated
1. Check oil pressure gauge (A) as soon as engine starts.
If gauge needle does not rise above minimum oil
pressure specification of 103 kPa (1.03 bar) (15.0 psi)
within 5 seconds, stop the engine and determine the
cause. Normal engine oil pressure is 345 ± 103 kPa
(3.45 ± 1.03 bar) (50 ± 15 psi) at rated full load speed
(1800–2500 rpm) with oil at normal operating
temperature of 115° C (240° F). Engine oil pressure at
rated speed can as high as 586 kPa (5.86 bar) (85
psi). This not detrimental to the engine.
NOTE: On certain engines, the oil pressure and coolant
temperature gauges are replaced by indicator
warning lights. The lights must be "OFF" when
engine is running.
2. Watch coolant temperature gauge (B). Do not place
engine under full load until it is properly warmed up.
The normal engine coolant temperature range is 90°–
100° C (194°–212° F).
NOTE: It is a good practice to operate the engine under a
lighter load and at lower speeds than normal for
the first few minutes after start-up.