RG,RG34710,5608 –19–27JUL06–8/8
Symptom Problem
Starter and hour meter functions; Blown fuse on magnetic switch. Replace fuse.
rest of electrical system does not
Entire electrical system does not Faulty battery connection. Clean and tighten connections.
Sulfated or worn-out batteries. See your authorized servicing dealer
or engine distributor.
Blown main system fuse. Replace fuse.
OURGP11,0000085 –19–27JUL06–1/1
Blink Code Method for Retrieving Diagnostic Trouble Codes (All Except Early VP44 Pump
NOTE: If engine has an electronic instrument panel
with diagnostic gauge, refer to “Instrument
Panel Method for Retrieving Diagnostic
Trouble Codes” later in this section.
On OEM applications that have a Fault Lamp, the ECU
has the ability to display DTCs using blinking
sequence of the fault lamp. To retrieve DTCs from the
ECU using the “blink code” method:
NOTE: The ECU blinks the codes in 2-digit codes
TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) later in this Group.
1. Press down Override Shutdown Switch while
turning the ignition switch “ON”.
2. The Fault Lamp will begin to flash a code number.
For example, flash three times...short pause...flash
two times...long pause. This example is code 32.
3. The ECU begins the flashing sequence by flashing
a code 32, this indicates the start of blinking active
codes. If there are any active DTCs, the ECU will
flash it’s 2–digit number. If there is more than one
active DTC, the ECU will flash each code in
numerical order. If there are no active DTCs, the
Fault Lamp will flash a code 88.
4. Following the active codes, the Fault Lamp will
flash a code 33. This indicates the start of blinking
stored codes. If there are any stored DTCs, the
Fault Lamp will flash its 2–digit number. If there is
more than one stored DTC, the ECU will flash each
code in numerical order. If there are no stored
DTCs, the Fault Lamp will flash a code 88.
5. Once complete, this sequence will repeat.
6. When complete, turn ignition “OFF”.
As an example, if an engine had an active DTC 18
and stored DTC 53, the flashing sequence would be:
flash three times...short pause...flash two times...long
pause...flash one time...short pause...flash eight
times...long pause...flash three times...short
pause...flash three times...long pause...flash five
times...short pause...flash three times.