You can save pictures and audio files to your computer, and save burst and
timelapse pictures as APPLE QuickTime movies.
Save Individual Pictures
To save pictures to your computer
1 In the application window viewing area, select the pictures you want to save
to your computer.
2 Click Save As.
The Save As dialog box appears.
☞ If you rename a single FlashPix™ picture, some applications may not
recognize the renamed picture.
5 From the File pop-up menu, select Image (the default).
6 To delete the pictures from the camera memory card after they are saved to
your computer, click the Delete Originals checkbox.
7 To save the pictures, click Save.
Save the Audio Attached to a Picture
To save the audio attached to a picture
1 In the application window viewing area, select one or more pictures with an
attached audio.
2 Click Save As.
3 In the Save As dialog box, use the navigation pop-up menu to select the folder
where you want to save the pictures. To create a new folder, click New.
3 Use the navigation pop-up menu to
select the folder where you want to
save the pictures. To create a new
folder, click New.
4 Optionally, in the Save Current
Picture As text box, type a filename
for a single picture. Multiple
pictures use the camera filename.