Taking pictures
Viewing the memory gauge
In the Capture mode, the Overlay bar displays a memory gauge that gives the
status of working memory (DRAM) and memory on the memory card.
Working memory is the memory the camera uses to process pictures. The
working memory gauge fluctuates as the camera processes pictures. When the
camera has completely processed all pictures (by either saving them to the
memory card or deleting them) the working memory gauge will be clear.
The memory card gauge shows used space on the memory card in red and
available space as white. As the camera processes pictures and saves them to the
memory card, more of the memory card gauge fills with red.
Adding sound to a picture
After taking a picture with Quickview turned on, you can attach sound to the
picture. Once the picture disappears from Quickview, you must enter the Review
mode to record sound.
☞ You can switch to Review mode and attach sound to a picture at any time.
If you have the Quickview setting turned
on, the camera displays the picture on the
LCD and saves it to the memory card.
☞ If you are taking burst or timelapse
pictures, the LCD displays the picture
after the last picture in the series is taken.
You can only record sound when the
picture sequence is complete and the last
picture is displayed.
1 When the LCD displays the picture you
have taken, press and hold the RECORD
The flashing microphone icon appears in
the top overlay bar along with a timer
indicating how long you have been
recording sound.
Memory card
Working memory