Communicating with the computer
If your computer cannot communicate with the camera you may need to adjust
the serial port speed setting. Adjust the settings using the Camera Properties
(Chapter 5), or follow the instructions on the Kodak Web site at
Monitor adjustment
To get the best view of your pictures, you should optimize your monitor display.
You can view the pictures on a monitor using 256 color and a 640 x 480 display
setting, but these settings will not give a true representation of the pictures.
1 Double-click on the My Computer icon.
2 Double-click on the Control Panel icon.
3 Double-click on the Display icon and click on the Settings tab.
4 Make note of the settings for the Color Palette and Desktop areas.
5 From the Color Palette field, select the highest available setting {256, High
(16-bit), or True (24-bit or 32-bit) color} and click the OK button.
6 From the Desktop Area, select 800 x 600 pixels.
☞ Changing these values may cause your monitor display to be offset. Consult
your monitor’s User’s Guide for information on repositioning the display.
☞ If changing your settings makes your display unusable, shutdown your PC,
reboot in the Safe mode and reset the settings to those recorded in Step 4. To
boot up in Safe mode, press the F5 key when “Starting WINDOWS 95...”
appears on the monitor.