
Taking pictures
Watermark settings
You can choose to place a date, time, text, or logo watermark on the pictures you
take. (Logo watermarks are available only on the DC260.)
If you do not want a
watermark, select None.
If a logo watermark file
(.lgo) exceeds 512 Kb, it
will not appear as an
option on the Logo
Stamp screen.
Remember that
watermarks will only
appear on future pictures.
You can see watermarks
on pictures in the Review
mode when the full
resolution picture
appears. You cannot see
watermarks on thumbnail
1 Press the down arrow to select the type of
watermark you want.
2 Press the SELECT softkey.
None—No watermark appears.
Date and Time—The Date & Time
Stamp screen appears. In the Date &
Time Stamp screen, you can specify to
use the date, the time, or both.
Text—The Text Stamp screen appears.
When you select the text stamp, you
can select the EDIT softkey to change
the text.
Logo—The Logo Stamp screen
appears. When you select the logo
stamp, you can select the EDIT softkey
to change the logo.
3 Press the left and right arrows to set each of
the following fields:
Left offset—The distance in from the
left side of the LCD to place the
Top offset—The distance down from
the top of the LCD to place the
Transparency—The level of
transparency for the watermark.
Text color—The color of the text in the
Background color—The color of the
watermark’s background.
4 When you are satisfied with the settings,
press the DONE softkey.