
A-61544 January 2008 2-15
Click More to display any additional addresses that match your
search criteria found in the local search results from the email group
that you selected.
To add one or more of the email addresses from the search results
list, click on the each address you want to add then click Done. The
addresses will be checked and added to the email group.
Using Setting
Setting Shortcuts are a way for you to create personalized groups of
scanner settings to make scanning easier. If there are settings that you
use frequently, you can create a shortcut for these settings and save
them to your configuration. The Scan Station application software
provides six predefined Setting Shortcuts.
For more information about using Setting Shortcuts, see the section
entitled, “Using the Setting Shortcuts option” later in this chapter.
For information about creating Setting Shortcuts, see the
Administrator’s Guide for the Kodak Scan Station 100.