A-61544 January 2008 2-17
Icon Description Default
Resolution — determines the quality of the
scanned image. The image resolution is defined by
the number of dots-per-inch that are used to create
the image. The higher the resolution the sharper
the image. Available resolutions are 75, 100, 150,
200, 240, 300, 400 and 600 dpi. 300 dpi is optimal
for creating text PDF files.
Adjustments — the Black-and-White Adjustments
screen appears. If your Scan As selection is Black
and White, you can select either Normal or Best.
• If you select Normal, you can select a Contrast
and Threshold setting.
• If you select Best, you can only select a Contrast
If your Scan As selection is Color or Grayscale,
the Contrast and Threshold settings are disabled.
Contrast — enhances the edges contained in an
image. Edges typically represent transitions
between foreground and background information,
such as the transition from background to faint text.
Values range from 0 to 100. The higher the contrast
level the more enhancement of the image edges.
Threshold: converts grayscale images to black
and white. Values range from 1 to 255. A low
threshold value produces a lighter image and can
be used to subdue backgrounds and subtle
unneeded information. A high threshold value
produces a darker image and can be used to help
pick up faint images.
Copies for Printing — allows you to specify the
number of copies (1-99) when a document is sent
to print.
Advanced — this group contains the Blank Image
Detection option which is used to find blank pages
(i.e., the blank back side of a document), so these
pages can be discarded. This is typically used
when scanning black and white documents to
either TIFF or PDF. For black and white documents
the default is 5 KB.
About — provides information about the Scan