3-26 A-61544 January 2008
Adding a fax group and fax
If you want to add a fax number to a fax group that already exists, skip
to step 2.
1. In the Configuration Organizer window, access Destination mode
and select Edit>Add Group>Fax. A Fax icon is added to the
toolbar on the Configuration Organizer window.
2. To add a fax address to a specific fax group, select the fax group
icon you want to add a fax number(s) to and select Edit>Add Item
or press the Ins key. The Add dialog box will be displayed.
3. Enter the description and fax number and click OK.
NOTE: If you do not want the fax number placed in alphabetical
order, uncheck Add to list alphabetically.
The fax number will be added to the selected fax group and the
number will be listed on the Configuration Organizer window.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each fax number you want to add to a
specific fax group.