
3-24 A-61544 January 2008
Adding an FTP group To add an FTP group to your configuration:
1. Select Edit>Add Group>FTP. The Add: Ftp Folder dialog box will
be displayed.
2. Make an entry in the Description, Folder, Username and Password
fields. The Folder field should contain a complete path to the FTP
site including the subfolder into which scanned documents will be
placed. For example, //ftp.acme.com/documents would connect to
the FTP site ftp.acme.com and place the scanned documents in the
folder documents.
NOTE: Any additional folders defined in the File Naming Settings
screen will also be used when creating the scanned
3. If the FTP site communicates on a port other than Port 21, change
the value using the up and down arrows.
4. You may optionally select Passive if required by the FTP server.
Passive is most commonly used if the FTP site is outside the
NOTE: If you do not want the address placed in alphabetical order,
uncheck Add to list alphabetically.
5. If your company requires the use of proxy servers, click the Proxy
button and go to the next section; otherwise click OK.