Contrast Management: Area Contrast, Detail Contrast
The regulators for the surface and detail contrast are only accessible after you enable
the Contrast Management function.
Shifting the Area contrast (ACT) regulator has the effect that large areas with little
detail in the original get more or less contrast (light surfaces get darker, shadows get
lighter; the equivalent of digital masking).
• If the surface contrast is too high, the dark areas of the prints get coarse-grained.
• Surface contrast is not effective for file prints.
The Detail contrast (DCT) regulator acts like the area contrast, but is effective for
medium-sized structures (print sizes 10x15 to about 1 cm).
Panorama Identification
TFS recognizes panorama shots. You must enable the Panorama identification
function to print panorama sizes.
KODAK PROFESSIONAL SRP 30 Laser Printer 4-31