Correcting System Conditions
Printer Errors
Do the steps below if the system displays messages such as:
• Paper in the Printer
• nn_LSxx not reached
• nn_LSxx not free
• TU2 not ready
(nn = PE, LD, TU; xx = Number of the light sensor)
1. Remove the paper from the printer.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to do this first or consecutive errors may occur.
2. Touch Clear.
Do the steps below if the system displays messages such as:
• Shutter not reached (MR, ML)
• SG_LS01 not reached
(MR / ML = Magazine RHS / LHS; SG = Sheet Gear)
1. Pull back the magazine lever, check the paper for correct position in the
magazine, and push in the magazine.
2. Touch Clear.
Other Error Situations
If the system stops without displaying a message or the menus cannot be exited:
1. Touch the Stop button on the screen.
2. Wait until there is no paper in the printer.
3. Touch Reset.
Help in Case of Error Messages
You can display Help text for error messages in the following ways:
• Touch the ? button to open the Help screen.
• Touch the Error Help Index button to open the alphabetical list of error messages.
• Touch the error message to see the associated Help text in the lower part of the