Operator’s Guide
The measuring system recognizes frames showing a color dominant because the
percentage of the dominant measuring points exceeds certain thresholds (upper
dominant limits).
Such ranges of measuring points are not taken into consideration for the calculation
of the exposure data. This ensures that frames showing a color dominant are printed
without a color cast.
Standard setting: 1.0
Step width: 0.1
Setting range: 0.0 to +4.0
Advantages Disadvantages
the standard
Color dominants are recognized better.
Frames with a dominant color are
printed neutral with more reliability.
Less uniform colors on prints of one and
the same order.
Less favorable color balance for
subjects taken under special lighting
conditions, such as sunsets, shots in
the shade with a blue sky, and tungsten
light shots.
the standard
Better color balance for subjects taken
under special lighting conditions.
More uniform colors on the prints of one
and the same order.
Color dominants are not as well
Prints from frames with predominant
colors may show complementary color
NOTE: The effect of these parameters (if unequal to 1.0) may be very weak, if not
invisible, for unknown films. After the learning phase has been concluded for
these films (if "Standard TFS curves" exist), the effect of these dominant
parameters becomes normal.
4-34 KODAK PROFESSIONAL SRP 30 Laser Printer