Other Settings
1. Touch:
• Settings
• Machine settings
• Other
2. Touch the appropriate buttons and enter the following information required for the
• Lab ID and Lab name
Seven characters maximum, for inclusion on the back print.
• Automatic end of order and Film length
For the automatic end of order, enter the film strip length (the preset is
400 mm).
• Check APS Autocopies and Check PpF
Enable or disable these functions.
• Max. APS Copies and Max. PpF (PpF = Prints per frame)
If Check APS Autocopies or Check PpF is enabled, enter a value for the
maximum number. If this value is exceeded during printing, the system checks
to see that no excessive prints are produced resulting from input errors of the
APS camera or the SRP 30 Laser Printer.
• Order No.
Set to either Automatic or Manual assignment of the order number. You
cannot change order numbers that the system automatically assigns.
KODAK PROFESSIONAL SRP 30 Laser Printer 4-47