
xPico® Wi-Fi® Embedded Device Server User Guide 30
5: Interface Settings
Line Settings
The Line Settings allow configuration of the serial lines (ports). Some settings may be specific to
only certain lines. Such settings are noted below.
Note: The settings described below apply to both Line 1 and Line 2 unless otherwise
Table 5-1 Line Configuration Settings
Line Settings Description
Name Enter a name or short description for the line, if desired. By default, there is
no name specified. A name that contains white space must be quoted.
State Select to Enable or Disable the operational state of the Line. The default is
an enabled state.
Protocol Set the operational protocol for the Line. The default is Tunnel for Line 1 and
Command Line for Line 2. Choices are:
Command Line
Modem Emulation
Trouble Log
Tunnel = Serial-Network tunneling protocol (Line 1 only)
Baud Rate Set the Baud Rate (speed) of the Line. The default is 9600.
A custom speed or any set speed between 1200 and 921600 may be
selected: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400,
460800, 921600. If a custom speed is selected, indicate the bits per second in
the field which appears.
Parity Set the Parity of the Line. The default is None.
Note: Serial lines do not support the following Data Bit/Parity combinations:
a) 7 Data Bits with No Parity and 1 Stop Bit.
b) 8 Data Bits with 2 Stop Bits.
Data Bits Set the number of data bits for the Line. The default is 8.
Note: Serial lines do not support the following Data Bit/Parity combinations:
a) 7 Data Bits with No Parity and 1 Stop Bit.
b) 8 Data Bits with 2 Stop Bits.
Stop Bits Set the number of stop bits for the Line. The default is 1.
Flow Control Set the flow control for the Line. The default is None. Hardware flow control is
only supported on Line 1.
Xon Char Specify the Xon Character which is used when Flow Control is set to
Software. Set the prefix in one of the three ways:
Prefix decimal with prefix hexadecimal and 0x
Prefix hexadecimal with 0x
Prefix as a single control character with <control>