
11: Monitor
xPico® Wi-Fi® Embedded Device Server User Guide 62
The response to each poll will be sliced up according
to your filter rules. The objective is to simply slice
enough so you can subsequently point to the data
fields you want to mine.
Note the raw data in the grey box above; it reflects
what was received from the serial device. See
"Uptime" in the top right region-that's our target for the
Carefully examine the form of the response you
received from a particular poll. Look for cues in the
response to locate your desired information. Consider
if the form of the response might have variations
depending on the serial device state.
Use Monitor Explorer or directly configure settings in Monitor Filter Configuration. Rules are
performed sequentially, but note that you can point each Rule to either the raw source (0) or a
result of a previous rule (R.f). Each rule (R) slices the raw input into multiple fields (f), so with a dot
between them (R.f) you are selecting a particular sliced result from a Rule.
Testing is rapid and simplified using Monitor Explorer. You can see the response data sliced into
pieces right in your browser windows.
Sample Configuration
First slice the response into lines, point to the one
containing Uptime, then slice between the caption
and the time value.
Setup as follows:
- We could see the Carriage Return / Line Feed
sequence in our raw source.
- Rule 1 points to the raw source (Source 0),
Mode = Delimiters, Delimiter 1 Binary String =
"[0x0d 0x0a]".
- We can see our Uptime is in the sixth field.
- Rule 2 dices that field (Source 1.6) further, to
split the caption from the value.
- We see that a colon (:) separates the caption
from the data, but the data also contains colons.
- Rule 2 Mode - Delimiters, Delimiter 1 Binary String = " :" (that's a space followed by a
colon). We use the space so it will match the transition from caption to value, but not
match within the Uptime value itself.
Testing with this, confirm that the desired data is contained in a single field.
Figure 11-10 Monitor Filtering (1 of 2)
Figure 11-11 Monitor Filtering (2 of 2)