11: Monitor
xPico® Wi-Fi® Embedded Device Server User Guide 57
Configure the monitoring of a connected serial device through specific configuration settings
pages : Initialization, Control, Poll , Filter, and Data. Access the configuration options displayed in
Table 11-2 on the Initialization page. These configuration fields are the same ones in Step 1:
Setup Initiation if utilizing Explorer.
Table 11-2 Monitor Initialization Settings
Access the configuration options displayed in Table 11-3 on the Control page. These
configuration fields are the same ones in Step 2: Setup Commands if utilizing Explorer.
Table 11-3 Monitor Control Settings
Initial Delay Set the initial delay time in milliseconds before the monitor starts processing the
initialization message. This field also appears in Step 1: Setup Initiation.
Message <Number>
Note: In other pages
and Poll) in Explorer
or under
additional Message
<Number> fields will
become available to
further filter and
specify the information
you wish to monitor.
Click the Edit link to edit a specific message; this is where a command is entered.
Four message fields will open to allow configuration of a specific command. When
you begin entering information in these fields, additional Message <Number>
options become available containing the four message fields which will also open
upon clicking Edit. Complete the Message <Number> fields:
Command: enter the command in binary format (printable characters or binary
End Character: indicate as a single printable character or as a control character.
Control characters may be input as
<control>J, 0xA (hexadecimal) or \10
Length: set the length of the response.
Timeout: set the timeout length. Minimum timeout length is 100 milliseconds.
Click Submit after making changes to get real time response displayed if you are
utilizing Explorer.
Control Settings Description
Message <Number>
Note: In other pages
and Poll) in Explorer
or under
additional Message
<Number> fields will
become available to
further filter and
specify the information
you wish to monitor.
Click the Edit link to edit a specific message; this is where a command is entered.
Four message fields will open to allow configuration of a specific command. When
you begin entering information in these fields, additional Message <Number>
options become available containing the four message fields which will also open
upon clicking Edit. Complete the Message <Number> fields:
Command: enter the command in binary format (printable characters or binary
End Character: indicate as a single printable character or as a control character.
Control characters may be input as
<control>J, 0xA (hexadecimal)
or \10 (decimal).
Length: set the length of the response.
Timeout: set the timeout length. Minimum timeout length is 100 milliseconds.
Click Submit after making changes to get real time response displayed if you are
utilizing Explorer.