
11: Monitor
xPico® Wi-Fi® Embedded Device Server User Guide 56
Rule <Number> Click the Edit link to edit a specific rule in the Step 2: Setup Commands page.
Two rule configuration fields will open for this rule. When you begin entering
information in these fields, additional Rule <Number> options become available
containing the two rule configuration fields which will also open upon clicking Edit.
Complete the Rule <Number> fields:
Source: indicate the input of the filter. For example, if the source of this filter is
the second trunk of data created by filter 1, the source should be set to 1.2. A
Source of 0 indicates the raw response.
Mode: select filter mode (All, Delimiters or Binary)
Delimiter <Number> Binary String: Enter the filter breaks input up to 8 trunks
separated by binary string. Each trunk will not contain the delimiters. This field
appears when Delimiter Mode is selected.
Start index: set to indicate when delimiters filter start breaking input into trunks,
if the Delimiter Mode is selected.
Offset: set the size of the first trunik of data created by the binary filter, if
Length: set the size of the second trunk of data created by the binary filter, if
selected. The third trunk of data created by the binary filter will contain the rest of
the input.
Selector <Number> Click the Edit link to edit a specific selector in Step 4: Pick Data page. Three
selector configuration fields will open for this selector. When you begin entering
information in these fields, additional Selector <Number> options become
available containing the three selector configuration fields which will also open upon
clicking Edit. Complete the Selector <Number> fields:
Name: define the data name as it will display.
Response: set the response instance source of data. Response instance
corresopnds to poll or control message instance.
Reference: select the output of the monitor filter. For instance, if data should
select the second trunk of data created by filter 1, the reference must be set to
1.2. A Reference of 0 indicaets the raw response.
Display Select the desired live response to view at any time while using Explorer, of the
monitoring configuration being established. Filter rule options appear according to
your progress establishing commands and rules. Changes in what is displayed can
be useful during the configuration of monitor settings.
Responses 1-4
Filter Rules 1-4 or All Filters
Data (checkbox) Check the Data checkbox to enable the Display feature anytime using the Explorer.
Uncheck checkbox to disable Display.
Explorer Settings Description