Getting Started
3 - 2
3.1 EZWebCon Configuration
The EZWebCon conÞguration software is the recommended way to conÞgure the MPS.
EZWebCon is a graphical user interface that guides Þrst time users through the initial
conÞguration process and allows experienced users to update and change any
conÞgurable parameters. There are two important things to note about EZWebCon:
¥ Your Server must have an IP address before EZWebCon can log into
it for conÞguration purposes. See
Setting the IP Address
on page 4-2
for instructions.
¥ EZWebCon requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the client.
Lantronix provides JVM installers for Solaris and 32-bit Windows
users, as well as source code and instructions for compiling it for use
on other systems.
The EZWebCon software is located on the distribution CD-ROM. All instructions for
installing EZWebCon are provided in the README Þle. For assistance once EZWebCon
is running, refer to the EZWebCon on-line help.
EZWebCon is also available from the Lantronix FTP and BBS servers.
See Appendix D for more information about logging into the FTP and
BBS servers.