Frequently-used Commands
F - 3
DEFINE SERVER IPADDRESS ipaddress Sets the ServerÕs network IP address.
DEFINE SERVER LOADHOST ipaddress SpeciÞes the TCP/IP host from which the Server
requests its run-time code.
DEFINE SERVER LOGIN PASSWORD Sets a new password that will be required before
incoming logins are accepted. You will be
prompted for the new password (up to 6
alphanumeric characters, case-insensitive).
DEFINE SERVER NAME “newname” SpeciÞes a new name for the Server. Names are
restricted in length; generally a name of 11 or
fewer characters is permissible.
DEFINE SERVER NETWARE LOADHOST server SpeciÞes the NetWare host from which the
Server requests its run-time code. Enter a Þle
server name of up to 11 characters.
DEFINE SERVER PRIVILEGED PASSWORD Sets a new password that will be required for
privileged user status. You will be prompted for
the new password (up to 6 alphanumeric
characters, case-insensitive).
DEFINE SERVER RARP {EN|DIS} Enables or disables querying for a RARP host at
system boot time.
Table F-1: Frequently-used Server Commands, cont.
Command Option(s) Description