Updating Software
D - 5
¥ DeÞne commands must be used because Set conÞgurations are
cleared when the Server boots. Use the List Server Boot command
to check settings before rebooting.
NOTE: It is very important to check the Server settings before using the Initialize
Reload command to ensure that you are reloading the correct software file.
D.4.1 Reloading Sequence
If DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP is enabled on the Server, the Server will request assistance
from a DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP server before starting the download attempts. The
Server will then try TFTP, NetWare, and MOP booting, in that order, provided that it has
enough information to try each download method.
Downloading and rewriting the Flash ROM will take approximately two minutes from
the time the Initialize command is issued. If the download Þle cannot be found or
accessed, the Server can be rebooted with the code still in Flash ROM. As noted in
Chapter 2, the OK/ACT LED will blink quickly while the Server is booting (and
reloading code) and then slowly when it returns to normal operation.
NOTE: If you experience problems reloading Flash ROM, refer to Troubleshooting
Flash ROM Updates on page D-9.