NetWare Configuration
5 - 8
Table 5-3: NDS Errors from the File Server
Failure code Failure code meaning Remedy
0xfffffda7 Object could not be found in the
given context
Check the print server name, DSContext, and
DSTree to make sure that the printer server is set
up correctly with PCONSOLE.
0xfffffda5 The requested attribute could
not be found
Use PCONSOLE to make sure that the print
server has associated printers and that the
printers have associated queues.
0xfffffd69 DS Database is locked An administrator is probably updating the
database. Wait a few minutes and issue the Set
Protocol NetWare Reset command.
0xfffffd63 The password is invalid The password for the print server object under
PCONSOLE must match the ServerÕs login
password. If the login password on the Server is
left as the default (access), there should be no
password for the print server object.
0xfffffd54 Secure NCP violation Turn down the NCP packet signature level so that
it is not required from the server.